Monday, May 25, 2015

May 23-25: Texture and paint on the walls!

With the Memorial Day holiday this weekend, I was determined to finish texturing the walls and painting.

I don't have many pictures of this process because I was trying to do it as quickly as possible.

I started by taping where the baseboards were going to go and the floor and the ceiling and then I used a texture gun to blow mud onto the walls in a "creative" way.

You can kinda tell in these pictures. But that's kind of the point. It just makes the walls blend and seem normal.

Closeup of the texture.

Another closeup.

I also painted the walls and ceilings this weekend. That was super awesome. A coat of primer and two coats of paint on everything. We also installed the baseboards, which I don't have a picture of. My friend Phil told me to paint the baseboards first before installing them -- that was good advice that I didn't follow. It would have been way easier to paint the baseboards first and just do touch ups after installing them.

More to come!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 9-10: The neverending floor

This weekend we continued installing the floor. Soooo many rows of flooring!

This is where the new floor meets the tile in the kitchen.


More floor.

The little black tabs are spacers. You want to make sure that the floor has enough room to expand in the summer and contract in the winter without buckling.

Getting farther.

We were able to put the door back in after getting the floor down underneath it.

Here's a shot of the hallway. After we got past the door, we were able to do the rows in the hall and room independently from each other, but we tried to keep them mostly even.

Getting farther.


We were very excited about the door. It really started looking more like a room with the door on.

Again, we were very excited about the door. Lots of pictures of the door.

More to come!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 2-3: New floor!

We are still progressively getting all of the drywall properly mudded. It has been tedious work and I had to start over at least once. It's not easy. I started to get frustrated with it, so we started installing the new floor. It is definitely premature to install it now, but like I said, I just wanted to do anything but mud.
The mud is starting to look better though.

The new floor going down. The orange stuff is just padding that goes under the floor.

Another shot of the floor.

Each plank is looks like it contains two smaller planks (to make it look like real hardwood floor) and is 4 feet long. They use a tongue and groove system to hold on to each other, but they are otherwise not attached to the floor or walls.

More to come!